Saturday, June 9, 2018

bangabandhu on Pakistan Radio in 1970

Bangabandhu on Pakistan Radio in 1970
6:00 p.m. West Pakistan time this is Radio Pakistan in our series of party political broadcasts we now present Sheikh Mujibur Rahman president all Pakistan Awami League Sheikh Mujibur Rahman my dear fellows region mothers and sisters Assalamu alaikum I must begin by offering Mahad for those heroic martyrs who shed their blood and let down their lives for the cause of the people did their sacrifices and that of countless thousands who have defied charity in moment of the movement leading up last year's strike mass observes that as current the people's struggle forward indeed even the fact that I am able to speak to you worse the national radio and television network we counted and on of the initial claims of the people's struggle since of them up till this time this privilege was monopolized by those in power or a struggle must go on for the real goals my head or has to be owned by the people the exploitation of man by man and a region by region must be brought to an end the powerful coteries we have which have ruled Pakistan for long till 2 years will do everything possible to prevent transfer of power to the people it is they for actively conspiring to frustrate the holding of the general elections and even of the elections the contributor was searched every effort to end exploitation they have money they have influence they have the capacity to use force against the people history however testifies that a determined people can successfully disease and welcomes US forces operations the most Solomon players that are American make the people of Pakistan is that we shall stand by their side and indeed lead them in assisting the forces of oppression and exploitation no people have secured freedom and justice unless they have been prepared to try for it with their phone served notice upon the force of reaction in our society that we along with the people of Pakistan will confront them and eat democratic forces our structured we shall resist them by every means possible Awami League was born in adversity and has grown in adversity Our Great leader late hossein sahid shohrawardi who came to existence to defy the attempt of ruling party to form a one-party state we just began the struggle to establish democracy in Pakistan this struggle continues till this day our party has faced all sort of thorns lot from the ruling ruling group our leadership our world care to spend the better part of the lives in James we have faced and welcomed every form of repression it is
these that gives us the courage and confidence today to commit ourselves the task of confronting the anti-democratic forces to overcome the crisis that engulfs the nation we must resolve those issues which are is cause the first is the deprivation of political freedom the second is the sense of economic injustice felled by the overwhelming multitude of God people the Tories the day of sense of injustice created by widening economy disparity between the regions it is days that underlies the anguish and anger of the Bengal people the same sentiment is reflected among the down turning people off neglected areas of West Pakistan our manifesto it says saw the comprehensive study they for resolving these fundamental issues a real living democracy must be established in with all the fundamental freedoms shall be construed surely granted our winchester outlines the framework for the healthy growth of political parties trade unions local self-government we do place to restore complete freedom of the press and academic freedom and indicate corruption which has gone like a cancer in our society the present economic system which has established an untenable structural justice must be radically altered today barely two dozen families have occurred control over 60% of the national industrial assets 80 persons of his banking assets and 75% of its insured innocent assets 82 percent of the total bank advances are concentrated in only 3% of total accounts the taxes structure in existence and of the most regressive in the world on a 2 percent of GNP is being realized as tiny Texas as against 6 percent in other developing countries when oppressive time the wreck taxes are imposed once essential commodities are solved protected Marcos tax holidays huge subsidies in the form of bonus vouchers Khedive sir grams of forums book phone exchange and the artificially low official rate have created a specially favoured condition for the growth of monopolies and cartels despite nominal lambda 4 news freedom lures have retained princely states then they enjoy boss privileges and that force per g increases but a lot of the poor presence he becomes more and more desperate in a bid for survival that the movement of people from Vilnius to the city's official stimates on fifth of the total level forces or about ninety lots people are unemployed this alarming figure ongress to grow the industry of workers are suffering the full impact of the sharp rise in the cost of living the cost of living is increasing more rapidly than increase in money weathers the impact of the under immunized is the cost of living is also a quietly faildy school and college teachers la fête officers employees particularly the fourth grade implies of government to turn now to the appalling record of economic disparity it is seen that during the last 20 years out of the total revenue expenditure of the government only a power to be 1500 crores that is only one fifth of the total while spending been gone as against over 5,000 crores in west pakistan of the total total development expenditures during the same period about rupees 3000 crores there's only one third of the total while spending big all as again stupid rupees 6000 crores in West Pakistan about 20 years West Pakistan has imported goods worth more than rupees 2000 cloves as the Kenzie's own for accessories or barely 1,300 crores in force into West Pakistan have been three times the value of the force into Bengal it was made possible for West Pakistan tempore goose worse to his 2000 crony extends of his his export earnings by allocating tweet to his 500 crores of the foreign exchange earnings a big girl and I like it too which lies over 80% of all foreign aid the code of the field of  government services it's just as deplorable about 22 years Bengalis account for barely 15% in central government services and less than 10% of the different services the total economic impact of sus in discrimination has been that of economy bengal today is instead of imminent collapse near firming conditions are prevailing in the message of the Phyllis's some 70 lakh terms of rice has had to be imported all intercept the people are from starvation when ill while inflation has been mounting those who are worse eat and the poor people have been gone the price of essential commodities has been fifty percent two hundred percent higher in Bengal there in West Pakistan the average price of course rice in Bengal is rupees 40 to 50 per month as against 20 to 25 per month in West Pakistan and of wheat is rupees 30 35 permanent Bengal as against was 15 to 20 per man in West Pakistan master oil sells in Bengal and rupees 5 Bashir as the case with 2 rupees 50 paisa for sharing West Pakistan the gold price is rupees 135 to 140 futurliner crutchy as against 2 rupees 160 to 165 but too large a car even a customs barrier has been imposed against carrying coal from West Pakistan to bank all this injustice is the product of management the economy for 20 or 22 years by the central government the central government is incapable of addressing sudden justices this is borne out of the 4th five-year plan the fourth plan and aggression or a confession of the failure of the central government however powerful it might be to retest Basten justices awami league six point program freeze embodied in the Nibin burn program present a rational solution to this problem of justice with a central bureaucracy in his Bengal is a crown for barely 15% and with the nature about power structure being haughty geez the expect justice from the centralized system of evoke economic management would be to expect maybe possible items to secure loves and aggression by political representatives or big gall and other underdeveloped areas would only aggravate regional tensions and threaten the viability of federal government the only feasible solution is the reordering of the constitutional structures by being by giving full regional autonomy to the frenetic units on the basis of our six fund formula SAS autonomy in order to be effective must include the power of managing the economy this is why we insist upon falada units have been contorno our monetary and fiscal policy and foreign exchange earnings and other powers to negotiate foreign aid and foreign trade and foreign aid by giving to the frontier ease full control over his economy destiny while exhausting the federal government responsibilities of over Foreign Affairs of Defense and subject to certain sub girls currency we believe is just phonetic federal balance will be a change or federal scheme and businesses the abolition of all Pakistan services and it is placement by funneling services in which personally could head on the basis of populations for all parts of Pakistan we also believe the maintenance of militia on a paramilitary forces my phonetic units will effectively contribute towards national security the further these foreign skin by removing the source of doubts disturbs and discrimination will ensure a strong Pakistan this Kim will understandably be opposed by those in  all region who would like to teach it another region and the colony or a market we believe others that this  game will help the full support of the common man of bengal and west pakistan within this constitutional framework we believe it will be possible to bring  about the social revolutions to the democratic process and to create realistic economic orders free from exploitation and rapid economic growth is or is an imperative necessity in order to meet the needs of our growing populations to achieve it enormous effort and sacrifices are required to our people our people can be expect to this encore call for making a big collective effort only if we can assure them that the burden of sacrifices as well as the fruits of economic prosperity shall be equitably shared among all section of the people and all region of the country to ensure this certain radical changes must be made in the structure of our economy we believe it is imperative to place key areas of the economy including banking and insurance under public ownership through nationalizations future development in this areas should take place in the national section in the public sector in in the new order workers should share in the quita capital and management of the industrial enterprises the private sector also his own spare must make their full contribution to the economy monopolies and cartel must be totally eliminated the taxes structures must be made truly progressive on the consumption of luxurious extensive support and encouragement must be extended to a smaller scale across industries such support should include ensuring regular supply of raw materials such as en dyestuffs to handle oof waivers as reasonable prices marketing and caring facilities must also be made available to them smaller industries must be developed through cooperatives and dispersed through the countryside reaching into the depths of rural areas so that disparately needed employment opportunities are extended to our ruler masses Judah suffered from criminal neglect a discriminatory exchange rate parasitic middlemen have denied to the jute growers a fair price nationalization of the two trades and must get an emphasis on Judas's aimed at improving quantity and empirical reliable just jute to make his rightful contributions to our economy go to make similar attention then therefore we believe the cotton trade should also be nationalized and messes it up to improve quality and yield our mass major cash crops cane sugar cane tobacco is to suffer from a poly mill Louise due to neglect of previous governments in resource-poor country every effort must be made to ensure rapid increase in productivity a fair and stubble price to the growers should also be ensured
indeed our entire agricultural sector needs to be revolutionized Chaya dairy Jamie Durie surgery systems in West Pakistan must be abolished the enter Lam system has to undergo a radical reorientation in the interest of actual tillers of the land sealing must be posed on land holdings land above systems and the government cousland must be redistributed to landless Twitter's agriculture must be modernized there was Tuttle presented by the fragment test ISM and subdivision of land holdings must be overcome and immediate steps in the right directions would be to do the tillers to group their holdings under multi-purposecooperatives government could provideeffective inducement for this purpose byfurthering through such cooperatives vital impulses irrigation embankment jenis giftables path palms fertilizers improve seeds agriculture implements and machinery can eat at least instruction in modern agriculture techniques as the missile of immediate relief to our peasants we are cunning under the bond of Land Revenue we should have beliefs lambda1 in aspect of only up to 25 biggest and right of all errors in aspects of such rulings ultimately we aim to abolish the prison system of land revenue these vital areas which form part of infrastructure of economy must be accorded the highest priorities the first is flood control a comprehensive flood control program must be implemented on an emergency basis measures to prevent autumn logging and salinity in West Pakistan must also be implemented at an accelerated pace the next Bachelor is that of power there must be massive expansion in power generation and distributions an extensive ruler restriction must be lanced to take electricity to the villages so as to make it possible for a small scale industry to be established we entertain our power generation capacity who have 2,500 megawatts in Bengal within 5 years every source of power must be harnessed trimmings to maximum to maximize power generation capacity the new group put nuclear power project and jamol go project must be immediately implemented natural gas must also be fully utilized the town vital area is that of transport and communications the highest penalty is accorded by us to the construction of a breeze over the river Jamuna to never dilate communication to and from North Bengal breezes the world missus should also be developed over different wines on River endures in scene and the Punjab over the Buriganga and Kornofuli. the development of poles both sepals are ill and labor force and also rolls and rivers must be accorded the highest priority no investment is as vital for the healthy development of our society than investment in education if he's an alarming fact the number of primary school in Bengal has declined say 1947 only a personal population has a change literacy and the number of illiterates is increasing by over 1 million person per year primary education is denied to more than half of the national children only 80 percent of our boys and six-person or girls complete the first five years of elementary school we believe that at least 4 percent of the gross national product should be committed to education the salary of the Collins and high school teachers the particularly school teachers must be substantially increased illiteracy must be eradicated by adopting of extraordinary methods A+ program must be lanced to extend free compulsory primary risk on primary education to all children within 5 years second education should be made readily accessible to all section of people new universities including medical and technical universities must be rapidly established poverty should not be allowed to deprive notorious boys and girls of the question of personal higher education immediate steps should be taken to ensure Bengali or Urdu should replace English in all walks of life but every effort should be made to encourage the development of regional languages turning to the problem of the cities we find low-income groups living in subhuman conditions the so called implement trusts have been busy developing luxurious the sanction areas for the valley well the poor have been left to fend for themselves future animal development must concentrate on providing for the needs of the formality of the city dwellers Locust armored housing must be accorded the highest priority in the field of health even a minimum measures the medical relief is denied to a 90% of our populations immediate measures should be undertaken to establish a rule on our medical center and every Union and hospital at every turn our headquarters national service in the rural areas should be introduced for medieval gadgets and when a medical personal must be trained in loves number to stop the rural health centers Industrial Workers play as a vital role in the economy as in the people's struggle that basic arise to form trade unions to bargain collectively and just try to must be granted a living ways and the basic amenities such as housing education medical care for themselves and their children must be ensured all level laws whose restrict the basic rights of workers must be repealed they can be expected to make the full contributions toward increasing industrial productivity productivity in all section of the economy must be increased to make to the maximum extent possible if we are to meet the needs of our society the well structure throughout the economy must be altered in keeping with detectors of justice price establish Asians major must be adopted to protect the rear ends of the workers and low paid employees against burning inflation's we firmly believe in the quality of all synonyms the members of the minority community should know that we have always stood against every form of communism they shall enjoy colorized with all other citizens and shall enjoy well protection of the laws every effort must be made to develop our tribal areas so that these areas can be fully integrated with other aliens and the tribal people are able to enjoy own opportunities with other seasoning all walks of life. our brothers in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in the offshore islands and the coastal areas it has specialized assistance to develop the legend resources in order to enable them to play the rightful part in our national life. MOHAZIRS should be integrated into a national life so that they may become assimilated with the local people and thus enjoy equal rights opportunity to with them in all walks of life I must repeat it once and for all the false propaganda that Islam is endangered by six-point formula or of an economic program not exist promotes justice between regional vision and a man and a man can oppose to Islam we have affirmed our commitment to the constitutional principle that no law should be enacted or imposed in Pakistan which is repugnant to the injunction of Islam as contained in the holy Quran and Sunnah to turn to the important area of foreign policy. we believe it is imperative for us to avoid involvement in criminal power conflicts we must therefore purse a truly independent non-aligned foreign policy we are committed to the immediate from Seattle Center on all other media packs and to avoid any says involvements in the future we support the struggle of whores of the oppressed people of the world against imperialism colonialism and aborted in keeping with the principle friendship for all and malice towards none we build will peaceful coexistence with all states in particular our neighbors we believe that normalization of all listens with our neighbors would be the best inventions of our people we therefore let us the highest importance to the settlement of our houses standing distance we have emphasized the importance of a just settlement of the cosmic dispute in accordance with the United Nations and relations the tit of clave empowerment demands of the economy a peg all posed by the completion of the Farakka barrage must be immediately met every effort must be made for the just solution of this problem without further delay but this program and policies can only be implemented he power is owned by the people election who will serve as a referendum on the basin of national issues particularly that of autonomy on the basis of six-point formula the elected representatives of the people alone can give to this country a consideration which will be durable basis for living together it is for vision for this ISM that we have repeatedly pointed out the restrictions sought to be imposed on the Constitution making powers of the elected representatives of the people are not legitimate. we would once again our support the peasant to repeal the restrictive provisions of the legal framework order it also help to create conditions continual forest tradition of democracies if all pending pending cases all hymns against the political workers he students M never errs and I'm out of the political activities and all the last year's must observe ah John all sentences imposed in such cases a competent all political prisoners detained without child should also be released it is imperative for the security of the nation's that Armed Forces should not have to carry the burden of civil administrations or to have to involve itself in politics this highly-trained professionals should be left free to devote themselves exclusively to the right of task of defending the Nationals frontiers I would like to end by saying that as a nation we must prove equal to the challenge that faces us a real living democracy must be established the different people who make up Pakistan can only live together with a democratic framework any attempt to destroy democracy would in the process destroy Pakistan justice between region and region must be ensured by canting full regional autonomy to different units on the basis of our six-point formula within such a federal democratic framework radical economic programs must be implemented to bring him out as social revelations the homily can resolve to face this games challenge we believe that with the support and confidence of the people which are part in joyous we shall inshallah be able to successfully to make the challenge Pakistan Zindabad 
English (auto-generated)

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